Update from Fourth Graders in Ms. Wait's Class

The Battleship Iowa

Every Friday in fourth grade is a Friday based on one thing: fun. We have many subjects on Fun Friday, as seen below. We play games in our free time. I like playing Scrabble with my friends. There is chess, Chutes & Ladders, Monopoly and Scrabble. We are also allowed to draw whatever we want.

TECHNOLOGY: In technology, we’re learning how to use Google Maps. I got to see the Battleship Iowa and Missouri, and Dodger Stadium. We all get to explore the world digitally.

MUSIC: In music, we’re learning songs like “Walk Away Reneé” and “Erie Canal.” Each class gathers up at the black porch, and we sing with Mr. Dreyfuss playing the tune with a harmonica. 

ART: In art, we’re drawing trees and bushes, mostly vegetation. We also carve things in clay in art. Last week, we used toothpicks and other tools to carve on a clay plate.

P.E.: In physical education, we do two laps around the entire lower yard, then do warm-ups like stretching, push-ups, yoga and more. Then we get to the game of the class. Sometimes we do Supergagga, Capture the Flag, Drop the Bomb, etc. My favorite game is Supergagga. • AUREN K. AND GAVIN G.

We’re learning how to use Google Maps to see places like Dodger Stadium.